upright piano
upright piano
Classification: 3 Chordophones / 31 Simple chordophones or zithers / 314 Board zithers / 314.1 True board zithers / 314.1-4-8 True board zithers sounded by hammers or beaters, with keyboard
Piano maker: Antoni Dütz
Date: April 1890
Village / Town: Warsaw
Country: Congress Kingdom of Poland (present-day Poland)
Owner: Museum of Industrial History, Opatówek, 1 Kościelna St. 1997, bought from Beata Teresa Ostaszewska, Warsaw
Inventory number: MHP 51/I
Description: black polished, in eclectic style. Cross-, single-, double-, triple-strung. Full casted frame. Hitch pin block armoured with metal sheet. English repetition action with overdampers
Inscriptions: on the keyboard cover a rectangular glass nameplate with golden letters: ANTONI DÜTZ / w Warszawie; also the averse and reverse of a medal with tsar Aleksander’s head and Russian inscription: Za / trudolubje / i / iskustvo /1890; on the right side of the casing, the keyboard cover’s back and the action frame a stamp with lyre and laurel twig over it: Fabryka Fortepianów i Pianin / ANTONI DÜTZ / Warszawa, Jasna Nr 3 / [averse and reverse of a medal] / Srebrny wielki; on the action frame an oval insertion: L. ISERMANN / HAMBURG; on the A2 key lever pencilled: Wykończał R. Witkowski / № 521 d 2/4 1890 roku [Finished by R. Witkowski / № 521 / on 2 April 1890].
Measurements: height 1285, width 1500, depth 340 (670) mm
Materials: wood, metal, ivory
Keyboard compass, stops: A2-a4 – 7octaves, two pedals – una corda and dampers
Catalog card by: Benjamin Vogel
Bibliography: B. Vogel, Polskie fortepiany XIX-XX w. Kolekcja Muzeum Historii Przemysłu w Opatówku, (Opatówek, 1994); B. Vogel, Fortepian polski. Budownictwo fortepianów na ziemiach polskich od poł. XVIII w. do II wojny światowej, (Warszawa ,1995), pp. 210-11
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