grand piano

photo: Waldemar Kielichowski © Institute of Music and Dance, Warsaw

Wojciech Świtała © The Fryderyk Chopin Institute
(01:30 english translation: “straight from the grave” should be “straight-strung”)

grand piano

Classification: 3 Chordophones / 31 Simple chordophones or zithers / 314 Board zithers / 314.1 True board zithers / 314.1-4-8 True board zithers sounded by hammers or beaters, with keyboard

Piano maker: Johann Friedrich Marty

Date: ca. 1840

Village / Town: Königsberg / present-day Kaliningrad

Country: Prussia / present-day Russia

Owner: Museum of Industrial History, Opatówek, 1 Kościelna St. Bought in 1991 from Joanna Lew, Gdańsk-Wrzeszcz

Inventory number: MHP 28/I

Description: mahogany veneered. Straight-, single-, double-, triple-strung, capo tasto bar for the highest register. Viennese action with lever dampers

Inscriptions: on the keyboard cover a rectangular printed nameplate with a royal coat of arms, decorated with geometrical-floral ornament, in an ormolu frame, under glass: Joh. Fried. Marty / Königl. Hof. Instrumentenmacher und accademischer Künstler / zu / KÖNIGSBERG i. Pr.; on the left side of the hitch pin block pencilled: 28.6.30.

Measurements: height 350 (960), width 1340, depth 2400 mm

Materials: wood, metal, ivory

Keyboard compass, stops: C1-a4 – 6⅔ octaves, two pedals – una corda and dampers

Catalog card by: Benjamin Vogel

Bibliography: B. Vogel, Polskie fortepiany XIX-XX w. Kolekcja Muzeum Historii Przemysłu w Opatówku, (Opatówek, 1994); H. Henkel, Lexikon deutscher Klavierbauer, (Frankfurt/Main, 2000), p. 403

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